If the babymori.com coupon code isn't working, consider the following steps:
- Double-check the code: Ensure the code is entered correctly without any typos.
- Check the expiration date: Verify if the code is still valid and hasn't expired.
- Review the terms and conditions: Some codes may have specific requirements, such as a minimum purchase amount or being applicable only to certain items.
- Ensure the code is applicable: Confirm the code is valid for the items in the cart and not restricted to full-price items only.
- Clear browser cookies and cache: Sometimes, clearing cookies and cache can resolve issues with applying discount codes.
- Try a different browser or device: Switching to another browser or device might help in applying the code.
- Contact customer support: Reach out to babymori.com's customer support for assistance if the code still doesn't work.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, it might be best to look for an alternative discount code.