is a website dedicated to providing resources and support for families and teachers of kids with dyslexia. The site offers research-based methods and practical strategies for teaching children with dyslexia, aiming to create an engaging and effective educational experience.
Key features include:
- Guides and books on dyslexia-friendly homeschool curriculum
- Online courses specifically for homeschool parents
- Mentoring groups for additional support
- Consulting packages for personalized guidance
The site also provides blog posts on various topics related to homeschooling kids with dyslexia, such as choosing the best curriculum, using assistive technology, and overcoming emotional issues caused by dyslexia.
The mission is to help families teach their outside-of-the-box thinkers effectively, ensuring they receive a meaningful education tailored to their unique learning needs.
For more information, visit Homeschooling With Dyslexia.